Monday 21 December 2015

I learnt the reporter who conducted the controversial 'interview' with Professor Sagay has been relieved of his job by his employer- Tribune.

Sad to know the man won't be without a job in this yuletide season.

But how come his editor allowed such an 'interview' to pass? Is there any editor in this country who does not know Professor Sagay and his worldview?

I think both the editor and the reporter should have been sacked. Period.

Who knows how many of such 'interviews' have Tribune published in the past especially in the heat of the election?

Tribune has desecrated the memory of his illustrious founder.

That's what you get when you allowed crooked hands get into the hallowed citadel of journalism. They use it as a cash and carry tool without any modicum of respect for the public the fourth estate of the realm is supposed to be speaking for.

It's another sad day for the practice of journalism in the country.

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