Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Dec 23 at 9:23 PM
Yusuf Olayinka,
It has been an incredible year. Your energy and advocacy sparked a global momentum shift in 2015, and we are on the cusp of transformative change. On all fronts, you have defended the right to a healthy planet. With your support, you helped CIEL… 1. Advance Climate Justice 2. Limit the Trade of Toxic Chemicals In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), we have focused on halting the illegal logging and export of African teak, a beautiful hardwood tree in the Congo rainforest. This year, the EU, a lead importer, blocked African teak imports from DRC for close to a year until it could verify that the timber originated from a permitted area. Read more. 4. Inject Human Rights into Global Treaties and Policies At the World Bank, CIEL advocated for the strongest possible human rights and environmental protections in its safeguard policies. The current draft of the Bank’s revised safeguard policies references human rights and recognizes the right to free, prior, and informed consent for indigenous peoples. Read more. In May, our research warned that the world’s largest credit rating agencies may be ignoring the reality of climate change when they rate fossil fuel investments, leading them to understate risks and overstate value – potentially repeating the mistakes of the 2008 credit crisis and exposing them to significant legal risk. Read more. In Cajamarca, Peru, communities have mobilized against the massive Conga gold mine project for years, even in the face of violent persecution. CIEL submitted a friend of the court brief, and the court is poised to rule on a lawsuit that could provide the legal basis for stopping the project once and for all. Read more. 7. Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline 8. Empower Families to Control Local Development This year, our Early Warning System identified a $400 million World Bank project in Chennai, India, that threatened to harm people and the environment. We brought civil society and the World Bank together and, as a result, the Indian government released its resettlement plans in the local Tamil language and announced it would hold a public hearing to give communities a say in how the project will be developed. Read more. Last year, CIEL submitted a friend of the court brief to support a legal case seeking to end Colombia’s aerial fumigations practice, which sprays glyphosate (known as Roundup in the United States) as part of the “War on Drugs.” In May, the Colombian government announced it would halt the fumigations program. Read more. 2015 was a momentous year, but we have much more work ahead. Please make a donation to CIEL today because defending the right to a healthy planet is an effort we must make together. Donate before December 31st and your tax-deductible gift will be matched, doubling your impact. P.S. We get it. You receive a LOT of email in December. If you want to take a break from receiving our emails until January, let us know here!
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